SRX-05 Supreme Dance
Expansion board

  Number five in the SRX-series of Roland expansion boards, "Supreme Dance" was co-produced by Roland and Spectrasonics in 2002.

This board contains a series of new samples, catered toward the Dance, Hip-Hop, and Electronica in general.

Sampled waveforms of vintage - but also newer VA synths like Roland's own JP-8000 - find their way inside SRX-05:  from Junos, to TR-series machines, Jupiter sounds, techno basses, lush pads, arpeggio synths, ambience FX, and a lot more.

This is definitely a very versatile board - useful for many electronic genres, in particular - House.

It complements other SRX-series boards well.

Check out audio demos from this board here below.


Roland SRX-05 Supreme Dance audio demos in mp3


Stream all mp3 audio examples below


Patch name with audio demo My comments
001 SecretDancer Classy, beautiful House setup
002 Mean Streets Pulsing Hip-Hop
003 E-tronic Superb early '90s Techno "tribal" setup
004 License2chil Sweet & fluffy synth pad, optimal for creating Chillout and Ambient music
006 Hit Specials Classic hits from the '90s
009 Acid Punch Solid TB-303 style synth
010 Gtr Menu Classic stabs from the '90s and beyond
011 Brite Flange Nice flanged synth pad
012 Dance Vibes Typical House comp organ/synth
013 N-Trance Sequenced synth, standard for Trance
014 Phatt Modern, filtered loop
015 DoubleDown Brazil, contemporary
016 LoopFX Dark Dark set
017 Yo DJ Yep
022 Filter Beat Fantastic "Moroder-style" dance setup
028 NakedPrey Nice and echoed
034 808 Bass Solid bass, standard for Hip-Hop
038 Hood Bass 2 Cool bass
040 Cheezee Bass Nicely acidic
044 Qube Bass The standard TX81Z "Lately Bass" sound
046 15inch Bass Fat & analog
050 SH-101 Bass Great monosynth
051 Pulsing Bs Modern, reminds a bit of the band "Air"
055 DarkEchoBass Cool and works for both bass and leads
056 UnisonSwBass Powerful, huge synth bass
059 JunoDistBass Standard Roland Juno bass going through distortion pedal
060 TB Dist Bs 1 TB-303 with huge amount of distortion and filters
063 Human Bass Vocal bass
072 FAT Rave Classic Euro sound
074 4 x Saws Almost a SuperSaw :-)
075 Euro Saws Euro-Dance
076 Super Sawz I'm not hearing the Roland SuperSaw here, but nice sound nevertheless
078 Vade Retro Stupendous, classic early '90s retro synth lead
081 Alpha Waves Little waves
083 Northern Pls Hypnotic, different
086 Saw Wave HQ Another typical Euro synth lead
089 JU2 Wave 2 Roland's Alpha-Juno 2 synth
092 SpectrumWave Yes
094 Slippers Dance sound very in vogue in the '90s
097 FallingStar Nice synth fx
101 Juno Slice Quintessential Trance sound
105 Tropic Slice Nature variation
107 Wicked DJ 2 Sound fx
116 Seq Saws Optimal for sequencer use, a fat dance comp synth
119 AnswerMe!Hit OK hit
121 Disco Stabs Typical brass with fall, useful for a number of styles
126 Bobs Slide Another classic '90s sound, the Korg N364/264 introduced this bass slide, I think
127 BrassHit 1 Super-classic rave stab, a la 2 Unlimited
132 BrassHit 6 Nice
134 SymphHit 1 Short release eliminates the reverb wash, cool.
137 OrgTrnsplnt Typical organ
141 Chord Hit 2 More stabs
142 Chord Hit 3 Dark stab
151 Dist Hit 1 Dist guitar
163 Thru Hit Very trippy
171 Null Zone Nice fx
172 Loop Techno Another classic hit
176 UK Garage 01 aka 2-Step
182 Raver Saws Powerful synth lead
192 DanceStrSect Groovy
194 5th Vox Hypnotic
195 Kompakt Voic Weird
200 Foilage Nice atmospheric pad
201 JP-8000 Pad Digital VA
202 SynthChord01 Beautiful plucked synth, with full-bodied analog strings
203 PWM Fantastic soft pad, with PWM
204 Introductory Nice ambient, soft pad
205 Miracle Pad Nice
206 5th Sweep 2 Nicely evolving
207 Choir Sweep Rising filters
208 Retro Pad Cool '80s digi-pad
209 Beautiful :-] Pretty ;-)
214 HiPass High-Pass filter in action
215 DynaPulseLd Synth lead
217 80's Memory Inspired by the '80s, or by the MemoryMoog?
221 PortaSynLead Classic portamento lead
224 Neonlight Digi-coolness
228 Vib Sine Thereminesque with lots of vibrato
233 Comp Piano 2 Quintessential early 1990s House sound!
234 a Tack Piano Yep
239 EP Chd Menu Gorgeous, Ibiza-style House electric pianos
244 CompClav-Rls Clavinet
246 HarmoOrg-Mod Dance organ
247 ZigZag Organ Reminds of the Casio CZ-series organ
248 Notre Organ Happy church organ
251 Square Bell2 Beautiful, meditative sound
254 Waw Chord Superbly sampled guitar with wah-wah
260 LoFiStringz Yes
263 4th-LayerStr Gluey string pad
268 StrScaleMaj Classical run
270 EuroBeat Brs A bit 1980s
277 WindFX Menu Classic shakuhachi, flute and sax sounds
284 VINYL VOX Nice
286 Vox Menu Usual suspects
288 Ho F Breathy female vox
292 Hydrolyze Sparkly fx pad
293 Hydrolyze 2 Mysterious
294 Danger Zone Oh yes..
304 TurnOff-Rev With the classic 1200s...
307 Scratch 6 Standard Hip-Hop scratch

Rhythm Kits

001 PhatTrak Kit Modern set
002 Euro Kit With beautiful atmo-synths and voxes
004 Tight Kit Yep
009 Trip Kit Nice Trip-Hop kit
013 4onFloorKit Classic "909 pump"
014 Street Kit Realistic and funky


Roland SRX-05 Supreme Dance pictures (click on thumbnails to enlarge)


Roland SRX-05 Supreme Dance manual - click icons to enlarge.

at the Roland site


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Roland SRX-05 Supreme Dance review with audio demos - August 24, 2008